The future, remade.
Our new products are made from our old products, which are designed from the start to be sent back when they are worn out. This is circular fashion.
Every year 100 billion new items of clothing are produced while a truck full of clothing is burned, or buried in a landfill every second. Slowing fast fashion down is a good first step, but slowing it down won't stop it. Yet when we take the waste material at the end, and make new products from it at the start, it changes everything. That's what we've done.
Our products and packaging are made from natural materials, not plastic. And every product we make is designed to be sent back to us when it is worn out.
We make new products from the material we recover, and the cycle itself is renewable. Our products are designed be returned and remade, new from old, again and again and again.
A pure material makes remanufacturing possible, and means products that are softer, and not harmful to the environment.

Our technology automates the complex decision making required to run a real time supply chain. In our modern process, products are only made in real time - in the seconds after they are ordered - so there is no waste inventory.
Like Airbnb or Uber, modern technology is disrupting the fashion industry and for us, conscientious application of tech means we can make sustainable fashion a reality. The future of fashion is circular, and we are building it on the cloud today.

Renewable Energy
Throughout our supply chain renewable energy is used. Printing and distribution is run in the UK by our on-site solar farm and powers our manufacturing operations. In India, the factory owns two wind farms and a 150kw solar farm.
Within our factory we use machine-to-machine communications technology which allows us to dynamically turn equipment on and off only when it is needed.